Spirulina for everyone

Spirulina is a microalga that appeared on earth about 3.5 billion years ago. Being among the first photosynthetic organisms, it participated in the creation of our atmosphere.

The Aztecs have been using it already and the Kanembous of Chad are harvesting it still today in order to benefit from its excellent nutritional value. Actually, spirulina provides various essential nutrients, in their natural form and easy to assimilate.

It holds particular records concerning the concentration of protein (60-70%), iron, vitamin A and essential fatty acids. It also contains several vitamins, including vitamin E and B, and is rich in antioxidants, omega 6, minerals, etc. These properties contribute to a balanced daily diet.

Spirulina has shown a capacity to cure malnutrition and to support patients with serious diseases. It strengthens the immune system, cleans the body from heavy metals and accompanies diets.

Spirulina is especially recommended for children, pregnant women or nursing mothers, elderly, sick or tired people, and for all those who care about their health. Dr. Vidalo just published the results of his last fifteen years of study about the effects of spirulina on various patients.

Spirulidaire - HyES
1854, rue des Sources
14200 Hérouville-Saint-Clair
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